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If We Could Turn Back Time... Oh, Wait We Can!


Updated: Nov 2, 2022

"Cher" with your friends, so they don't forget.

Daylight Savings Time (DST) will be coming to an end on November 6, 2022. DST was initially implemented on March 31, 1918, as a wartime effort to save an hour’s worth of fuel to light lamps and heat homes. Currently, 48 states participate in Daylight Saving Time, although many have proposed changes to current laws. 55% of Americans say they are not affected by the time change, 28% report a minor issue, and 13% report a significant disruption. The number of Americans who want to change and stay the same varies among different parts of the US. Some good things come with DST. Longer daylight hours promote safety; it’s good for the economy and encourages active lifestyles. On the contrary, it is terrible for your health, drops productivity, and it’s expensive. Some studies have found associations between DST and increased suicide attempts, acute myocardial infarction, and the timing of stroke onset. There is also an increased risk for injuries in the workplace. According to the National Safety Council, 69% of employees are tired at work and have sleep deprivation and a reduction in performance. The Monday after DST change is referred to as “Sleepy Monday” and is one of the most sleep-deprived days of the year. For up to two weeks following the time change, a person can experience sleep onset difficulties, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue. It is particularly worse in those who already experience sleep debt or are considered “night owls.” Many find themselves dependent on their alarm clocks more than usual. To combat the upcoming time change, you can gradually move up the timing of wakening and bedtime. It is essential to start at least a few days before the change. Some tips to help you cope: o Try to go to bed early o Start adjusting the timing of sleep cues – for example, eat dinner earlier o Go outside and get some early morning sunlight o Don’t sleep in on the weekend before

Lessen your chances for a "Sleepy Monday" with the below sleep schedule:

November 2nd: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than normal

example: Bedtime normally 10 PM, go to bed at 9:45 PM

November 3rd: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than yesterday

example: Yesterday's bedtime was 9:45 PM tonight is 9:30 PM

November 4th: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than the previous day

example: Bedtime was 9:30 PM tonight is 9:15 PM

November 5th: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than yesterday

example: Yesterday's bedtime was 9:15 PM tonight is 9:00 PM

This will result in a full hour of earlier adjusted time when the clocks change. This should lessen the overall effect of DST and help to prevent some of the symptoms caused by sleep deprivation following November 6th.

Sources: American Academy of Sleep Medicine – Association for Sleep Clinicians and Researchers. 2022. AASM Daylight Savings Advice - American Academy of Sleep Medicine. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022]. Harrison, Y., 2013. The impact of daylight-saving time on sleep and related behaviors. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 17(4), pp.285-292. 2022. Workplace Injuries Increase After Time Change. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022]. 2022. Daylight Saving Time - Pros & Cons - [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

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